Another Successful Event hosted by BreezeMaxWeb along with Google Canada took place at the Durham Banquet Hall & Conference Centre, Oshawa. Even though the dinner was for local SMBs in the Durham Region, it was exciting to see business owners from all across the GTA attend. A gourmet dinner and an education on Google marketing was on the menu for this special night. We'd like to thank all those who attended, also we'd like to extend our gratitude to Jamie Dagostino of Google Canada once again delivering an incredible event, and for taking the time out of his busy schedule to help the local communities in which we serve! Thank you to all our staff who made this happen, BreezeMaxWeb employs dedicated members of the local society, so that each and every community we serve has the same opportunity as others to reach their full potential. As Canada's premier Google advertising agency, BreezeMaxWeb strives to deliver compelling and thoughtful events like this throughout Canadian cities. Check out the next digital Google and BreezeMaxWeb event coming to Calgary June 8th, 2016 at 5.30 pm at Hotel Arts -Calgary, where you can enjoy the best of digital and dinner.

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