By using the BreezeBanner™ platform, we've been able to extend our reach onto traditional print and media networks without having to forego the expenses of actual print advertising and distribution. BreezeBanner™ makes it easy for us to target our B2B clientele on websites and only pay for qualified clicks to our sites. Thereby, reducing unnecessary costs and targeting our advertising more effectively.  

Tony Swierkot
Director of Marketing, Kyocera Document Solutions Canada


The most cost effective digital billboard display advertising you can do - allowing you to position your site on the most highly visited websites. BreezeBanner™ is an extremely effective way to ensure your Google® display advertising budget is put to good use. We strategically position your digital billboards depending on your target market in relation to demographics (i.e. genders, age, groups, interests, geography, etc.). Like giant billboards at intersections, BreezeBanner™ display ads offer maximum exposure to viewers by positioning them in the most optimal locations on the screen of the most highly visited websites.

Complement BreezeBanner With BreezeMatic

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