When we look at the current industry ranking in the PROFIT 500 2015 report we are proud to say that BreezeMaxWeb is ranked 6th in the marketing and advertising sector. Our Five year revenue growth rate of 1,155% has allowed our company to grow sustainability and reach new levels of excellence. Our company is excited for everything that is coming together in the next short while, with new product abilities & updates from Google along with company growth and expansion.
Not only are we thrilled to be ranked high on this list but commend all the other companies that are also in the same industry field as us. Whether they promote the same types of services or have variations on their services we are glad to be part of a list that is filled with companies we have much respect for.
For more information on the rankings and the page here is the link: http://www.profitguide.com/manage-grow/success-stories/the-2015-profit-500-canadas-fastest-growing-marketing-companies-90223
We would like to thank everyone who is involved with the companies growth over these years along with those who are committed to help with the continued success of BreezeMaxWeb.