Our esteemed CEO and President Andrew Faridani is 1 of 4 keynote speakers at a private event hosted by Canada's biggest bank, RBC. The 4 keynotes will be speaking about four different, but equally important topics that include:
Digital Advertising
Employee Law
Cross-Border Accounting
Strategic Planning
Andrew's speech will primarily be focused on Digital Advertising and more importantly Google Advertising in which his company BreezeMaxWeb, is at the forefront of their field. His award-winning approach to effective digital marketing techniques is an ideal method, enhancing individual businesses to position its current marketplace. With the shift towards online marketing, advertisers create strong content and strategies for mobile and desktop devices to drive businesses to success. In this century, consumers are constantly on their devices communicating, reading and researching. This allows digital advertising to dominate the current online marketing campaigns today. Digital Marketing as a whole can open the doors to multiple opportunities, providing strong digital presence to target potential consumers for individual businesses. The underlying theme of the four topics is the emergence of mobile age and how important these 4 concepts are to small and medium businesses. BreezeMaxWeb works with many different small businesses like dentists, Law Firms, and much more. For businesses like these, it is important to know how to advertise dighttp://breezemaxweb.com/mortgage-marketing/itally since they predominantly rely on print and digital advertising on a small scale to showcase their comparative advantage or promotions.
The fact of the matter is "76% of Canadians now own a mobile smart phone" and due to that there has been a huge shift from print advertising, to online and digital. This event is a First-come First-serve basis as spacing is limited. The event will be taking place:
Time: Tuesday, October 25th, 2016 - 8:30am-10:00am
Location: RBC Executive Conference Centre RBC Centre -155 Wellington Street West, Toronto, 11th Floor - America's Room
Refreshments will be provided, this is a fantastic opportunity to not only learn about BreezeMaxWeb and the other three respective industry leaders, but also to take in the hospitality and generosity of the Royal Bank of Canada. To learn more information click on either Google Advertising or Professional SEO services to see more.