BreezeMaxWeb continues to partner with specialized schools in search of strong talent
Our Director of Corporate Development Paul Robitaille and our SEO Team Leader William Chin-Fook were honoured to present to the Enterprise Web and Mobile Development Program class at triOS College, Toronto Campus. The presentation kicked off with a video by Google which demonstrated how mobile has changed what people expect of brands and the fractured consumer journey that has led to hundreds of real-time, intent driven micro-moments. We educated the class on how BreezeMaxWeb assists companies in these critical micro-moment opportunities that help shape consumer decisions and preferences through SEO, AdWords, and more. We also gave the group a sneak peek into our top secret new division that will build front line tools for employees. Feedback from the class was excellent and we held post-presentation interviews for internship and employment opportunities with excellent students who are eager to gain valuable experience at leading companies such as ours!
We'd like to thank Linda Eng, Campus Director and Inoka De Silva, Employment Specialist for the opportunity and for their continued partnership and dedication. We're proud to work closely with you and to have interned and hired great people from triOS College.