BreezeMaxWeb was a Hit at the triOS Career Fair!
BreezeMaxWeb was honoured to have a booth featured at the 2019 triOS Career Fair hosted at the Toronto campus on October 16th.
Paola Restrepo, our Human Resources Manager, spent the afternoon discussing our company values and core identity with eager students who were interested in joining our growing team. Paola met with a lot of students who were a part of the Digital Marketing Specialist program, many of who would fit in with our team as an SEM analyst, IT admin, web developer, app developer and network admin. There were a few graphic designers who were keen to learn more about our internship opportunities.
At BreezeMaxWeb, we are always looking for creative, dedicated, and knowledgeable people to join our team and provide their expertise to help us grow. We have worked with triOS College for many years, bringing students on as interns to help them gain valuable experience in the professional digital marketing world. We have had a huge success rate of hiring on tirOS students after their internships have been successfully completed, and we look forward to working with the next batch of interns soon!
We would like to thank triOS College for their hospitality at their Career Fair, and their continued support throughout the years!