Web Developer Qui Nguyen named winner of the second BreezeMaxWeb Client 1st Team Award


The team at BreezeMaxWeb works tirelessly every single day to ensure our clients receive the best services and care to stay ahead of the curve.

To honour and acknowledge the dedication to our clients during the COVID-19 pandemic, we continue to honour a team member with our Client 1st Team award every quarter. The award goes to a BreezeMaxWeb employee who puts our clients first to help them succeed. They also receive a plaque and a cash prize!

We are happy to announce that Qui Nguyen is the winner of the Q4 2020 Client 1st Team Award! Qui is one of our Web Developers, and dedicates his time creating and maintaining our clients’ websites to match and exceed their expectations.

Qui provided one of his favourite motivational quotes upon receiving the award: "This is not the year to get everything you want. This is the year to appreciate everything you have." - Unknown

Congratulations Qui! He is an invaluable member of the BreezeMaxWeb family and we look forward to his continued hard work and commitment to our clients!

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