The Winner of the Inaugural BreezeMaxWeb Client 1st Team Award Is....
The team at BreezeMaxWeb has worked tirelessly every single day during the COVID-19 pandemic to ensure our clients receive the best services and care to stay ahead of the curve.
To honour and acknowledge the dedication to our clients, we have introduced the Client 1st Team award, the first ever reward of its kind at BreezeMaxWeb. This award includes a plaque and a cash prize; it is handed out every quarter to the person who exceeds expectations and does everything they can to help our clients succeed.
Without further ado, the first ever winner of the Client 1st Team Award is… Andrea Bello! Andrea is our Social Media Manager, and spent countless hours updating and maintaining our clients’ social media accounts to match the changing landscape of the pandemic.
“I'm very happy to be able to be part of the growth of the department and the agency, especially in such a tough year. The plaque was certainly VERY unexpected and surprising!” Andrea said upon receiving the award.
Congratulations Andrea! She is an invaluable member of the BreezeMaxWeb family and we look forward to her continued hard work and commitment to our clients!